S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Lutzia tigripes (Diptera: Culicidae, Metalutzia) for the mosquito larval control: A new prospect of mosquito control Bhubaneshwari Devi Moirangthem, Salam Noren Singh and Dhananjoy Chingangbam Singh Pages: 01-04 | 2320 Views 554 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Survival analysis of dengue patients of Pakistan Kalsoom Akhtar Chaudhry, Fatima Jamil, Maria Razzaq and Bushra Fareeha Jilani Pages: 05-09 | 2114 Views 358 Downloads | Country: Pakistan | Pakistan |
3 | Comparative studies of three potent bioagent against mosquito larvae Bhubaneshwari Devi Moirangthem, Salam Noren Singh and Dhananjoy Chingangbam Singh Pages: 10-14 | 1891 Views 324 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | A historical comparative research on vector borne disease: An Indian scenario Nagaraj J, T Vijayapushpam, Gayathri K, Balusamy, Mahesh Rajan H and R Vijayaprabha Pages: 15-21 | 1971 Views 510 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Integrating geospatial techniques and environmental landscape variables for malaria risk in Vadodara district, Gujarat (India) Bindu Bhatt and Janak P Joshi Pages: 22-27 | 1809 Views 239 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | Impact of long-lasting insecticidal nets on host seeking behaviour of Anopheles fluviatilis and Anopheles culicifacies in hyper endemic falciparum area of Odisha state Anil Kumar, Thankachy Sonia, Smrutidhara Dash, Nallan Krishnamoorthy and Sudhansu Sekhar Sahu Pages: 28-33 | 1799 Views 282 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Mosquito Larvicidal activity of seaweed extracts against Anopheles d’thali with reference to its side effects on aquatic nontraget organisms Jazem A Mahyoub Pages: 34-38 | 2438 Views 807 Downloads | Country: Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia |
8 | Biosynthesis of silver nano composite using agro waste and its larvicidal properties Sundara Mahalingam Balaji and Kani Manjula Pages: 39-42 | 1728 Views 214 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Evaluation of a new device for measuring the appropriate food quantity required for optimal developmental time, adult body size, and reduced mortality in insectary-reared Anopheles mosquitoes Siriporn Phasomkusolsil, Kanchana Pantuwatana, Jaruwan Tawong, Yossasin Kertmanee, Nantaporn Monkanna, Elizabeth W Wanja and Silas A Davidson Pages: 43-50 | 1662 Views 232 Downloads | Country: Thailand | Thailand |
10 | Photosensitizing effects of certain xanthene dyes on Culex pipiens larvae (Diptera- Culicidae) Nancy M El- Shourbagy, Mohamed A Hussein, Faten F Abu El- Dahab, Olfat M El- Monairy and Nehad M El- barky Pages: 51-57 | 1839 Views 378 Downloads | Country: Egypt | Egypt |