Abstract: Objective: The present study is carried out to explore relationship between dengue fever and demographic factors, initial symptoms and severe symptoms. It is used to estimate the survival function with respect to age and gender respectively and to predict time to survive of dengue fever on the basis of number of factors.
Methods: The study was conducted by taking data from Services Hospital Lahore from the year 2013 to 2016. A sample of size 708 is included. Pearson chi square test, Mann Whitney test is applied and survival analysis using Kaplan Meier test and Cox-regression model respectively.
Results: The symptoms of dengue fever like headache, eye pain, muscle pain, joint pain, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, sweats, haematuria, chills and vaginal bleeding had significant association with fever. From Mann Whitney U test, it is concluded that HCT and Hb in died group was statistically significantly higher than the survival group. Cox regression demonstrated that abdominal pain and petechlae was significant in predicating the survival rate for DF (Dengue Fever) patients and abdominal pain was significant in predicating the survival rate for DSS (Dengue Shock Syndrome) patients. Kaplan Meier showed that estimated survival time for the male, female and others are same whereas it is different among children, adults and elderly.
Conclusion:The present study has revealed that dengue is more common in adults whereas estimated survival time was same for males and females. In DSS abdominal pain was significant in predicting the survival rate and nausea and vomiting show greater hazard for DSS patients whereas petechlae and abdominal pain were also significant in predicting the survival rate in DF (Dengue Fever).