S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Larvicidal potential and ultra-structural changes induced after treatment of Culex pipiens L. (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae with some botanical extracted oils Dalia M Mahmoud, Marah M Abd El-Bar, Dalia AM Salem and Magda H Rady Pages: 01-09 | 1783 Views 334 Downloads | Country: Egypt | Egypt |
2 | Immunoinformatics prediction for designing potential epitope-based malaria vaccine in the Aminopeptidase N1 protein of Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) Renu Jakhar¬, Pawan Kumar, Neelam Sehrawat and SK Gakhar Pages: 10-21 | 1772 Views 309 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Breeding preference of dengue vectors in Pakistan: An entomological investigation Imtinan Akram Khan, Masroor Ali Khan, Rizwan Ahmed, Esam Omar Al-Wesabi, Ziaullah, Ashraf AH Mangoud and Shabaan El-Hossary Pages: 22-25 | 1715 Views 287 Downloads | Country: Malaysia | Malaysia |
4 | Human nighttime outdoor activities in a rural community of north-central Nigeria: Implications for residual malaria transmission Pam DD, Neslea AM, Lapang M, Njila HL, Ombugadu A and Akindigh TM Pages: 26-30 | 1597 Views 250 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
5 | Sustainable control of mosquito by larval predating Micronecta polhemus Niser for the prevention of mosquito breeding in water retaining structures Nasiman Bin Sapari, Teh Sabariah Binti ABD Manan and Saba Yavari Pages: 31-37 | 1714 Views 356 Downloads | Country: Malaysia | Malaysia |
6 | Evaluation of mosquito fauna in Haripur district Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan Saira Bibi, Muhammad Fiaz khan and Aqsa Rehman Pages: 38-40 | 2177 Views 375 Downloads | Country: Pakistan | Pakistan |
7 | Adulticidal and repellent activity of the methanolic leaf extract and essential oils of Hyptis suaveolens and Lippia adoensis against Anopheles gambiae ssp Giles 1902 (Diptera: Culicidae) Nanga WM, Saotoing P and Nukenine NE Pages: 41-48 | 1699 Views 369 Downloads | Country: Cameroon | Cameroon |
8 | Susceptibility/resistance status of malaria vector anophelines species in Bajaur agency, FATA Master Khan Farooqi, Malik Jan, Hidayat Khan, Muhammad Sohail, Ikram Ullah and Hamayun Rashid Rathor Pages: 49-56 | 1614 Views 325 Downloads | Country: Pakistan | Pakistan |
9 | Study and comparison of mosquito (Diptera) aminopeptidase N protein with other order of insects Renu Jakhar and SK Gakhar Pages: 57-62 | 1651 Views 305 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | Efficacy of ultra-low volume and thermal fogging as space spray for control of adult Aedes aegypti Linnaeus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Holy Makkah (Mecca) city, KSA Khalid FI Hassan, Nabil HH Bashir and Yousif OH Assad Pages: 63-70 | 2072 Views 568 Downloads | Country: Sudan | Sudan |