Breeding preference of dengue vectors in Pakistan: An entomological investigation
Author(s): Imtinan Akram Khan, Masroor Ali Khan, Rizwan Ahmed, Esam Omar Al-Wesabi, Ziaullah, Ashraf AH Mangoud and Shabaan El-Hossary
Abstract: Dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) are considered important reemerging arboviral diseases in more than 100 tropical and subtropical countries of the world. The Entomological surveillance of Dengue vector was carried out in six highly populated urban areas of Rawalpindi as per the WHO procedure. A total of 492 houses were searched for Aedes breeding and 262 houses found positive. About 731 water containers were searched, out of which 281 found positive for Aedes. Breeding preference ratio (BPR) was also calculated and discussed. The overall house index (HI), container index (CI), breteau index (BI) were 53.25, 38.44, and 57.11 respectively. Breeding Preference Ratio (BPR) was observed to be highest in water coolers (2.16), Discarded tyres (1.71), underground cement tank (1.69) and air condition water outlet containers (1.56). The results revealed that all the study areas of Rawalpindi city were found to positive for Ae. aegypti and Ae. albobictus.
Fig.: Map showing surveillance sites of six highly populated urban areas of Rawalpindi city including the Dhoke Ratta (DR), Darya Abad (DA), Satellite Town (ST), Westridge III (W111), Kamalabad (KAB) and Tench Bhatta (TB).
How to cite this article:
Imtinan Akram Khan, Masroor Ali Khan, Rizwan Ahmed, Esam Omar Al-Wesabi, Ziaullah, Ashraf AH Mangoud, Shabaan El-Hossary. Breeding preference of dengue vectors in Pakistan: An entomological investigation. Int J Mosq Res 2019;6(4):22-25.