S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Aedes spp mosquitoes and emerging neglected diseases of Kenya Eunice A Owino Pages: 01-11 | 2073 Views 326 Downloads | Country: Kenya | Kenya |
2 | The impact of climatic variables with GIS application on the abundance of medically important mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Masroor Ali Khan, Shabaan Elhossary, Imtinan Akram Khan, Mohammad H Al Zahrani, Fahad S Al Zahrani and Fasial M Al Bashri Pages: 12-18 | 2233 Views 575 Downloads | Country: Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia |
3 | Entomological evaluation of the risk of spread of the dengue 3 epidemic in the health district of Cocody (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire) Blaise Atioumounan Kone, Lambert Kouassi Konan, Diakaridia Fofana, Alexandre Franklin Koffi, Daouda Coulibaly and Joseph Bi Vroh Benie Pages: 19-24 | 1915 Views 261 Downloads | Country: Cote D'Ivoire | Cote D'Ivoire |
4 | Mosquito borne diseases and Sanitation in Ghaziabad district, Uttar Pradesh, India Alka Rani, Abhishek Gupta, BN Nagpal and Sucheta Shah Mehta Pages: 25-30 | 2067 Views 459 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Repellency of the essential oil extracted from the leaves of a local variety of Artimisia scoparia Waldst. & Kit. against Aedes aegypti L. using modified Y-tube olfactometer Danilo A Gualberto and Cesar G Demayo Pages: 31-36 | 2938 Views 1318 Downloads | Country: Philippines | Philippines |
6 | Describing wing shape variations within, between and among populations of Aedes albopictus Skuse using relative warp analysis Danilo A Gualberto and Cesar G Demayo Pages: 37-43 | 1897 Views 342 Downloads | Country: Philippines | Philippines |
7 | Shape and Wing Size Symmetry in local populations of Aedes albopictus Skuse Danilo A Gualberto and Cesar G Demayo Pages: 44-48 | 1989 Views 371 Downloads | Country: Philippines | Philippines |
8 | Vectorial role of An. dthali (Diptera: Culicidae) as a malaria vector in Jazan region / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Waheed SM, Mohammed H Alzahrani, Nabil HH Bashir, Samira H Abd Elrahman, AA Alsheikh, OM Dafalla and EM Noureldin Pages: 49-55 | 2001 Views 501 Downloads | Country: Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia |
9 | The perception of Pelargonium citrosum (Lin) and Ocimum basilicum (Lin) as mosquito repellent plants Imelda Menchaca Armenta, Moisés Ocampo Torres, Karen Zamora Cerritos and Ma. del Rosario Ostà Castillo Pages: 56-58 | 2007 Views 412 Downloads | Country: Mexico | Mexico |
10 | Modelling of malaria hotspot sites using geospatial technology in the north-western highlands of Ethiopia Solomon Eniyew Pages: 59-70 | 2112 Views 482 Downloads | Country: Ethiopia | Ethiopia |