Entomological evaluation of the risk of spread of the dengue 3 epidemic in the health district of Cocody (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire)
Author(s): Blaise Atioumounan Kone, Lambert Kouassi Konan, Diakaridia Fofana, Alexandre Franklin Koffi, Daouda Coulibaly and Joseph Bi Vroh Benie
Abstract: As directed by the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene, this study aims to assess the extent of the viral circulation of dengue 3 in the health district of Cocody-Bingerville and the risk that this represents for the populations. To do this, adult anthropophilic mosquitoes were captured by the double mosquito net technique and a larval prospecting around the dengue case was performed. Mosquito samples were made for viral research. A total of 64 mosquitoes were captured and Aedes aegypti constituted approximately 97% (62/64) of the culicidian fauna. Thus, 7 samples were formed, including 6 with Aedes aegypti. In addition, Aedes aegypti constituted 93% (200/216) of emergences in the laboratory. At the emergence level, 21 samples were formed, including 20 with Aedes aegypti. Among these different samples, 2 from the catches and 1 from the emergences, were positive for the dengue virus. In Cocody, the Breteau index was estimated at 297, the container index at 41%, and the house index at 82%. While in the municipality of Bingerville, these indices were respectively 213, 35% and 69%. Stegomyian index showed that larval densities were very high in both communes, reflecting a high risk of spreading dengue viruses.
Fig.: Abundance of larval breeding sites at
Aedes aegypti in Cocody and Bingerville
How to cite this article:
Blaise Atioumounan Kone, Lambert Kouassi Konan, Diakaridia Fofana, Alexandre Franklin Koffi, Daouda Coulibaly, Joseph Bi Vroh Benie. Entomological evaluation of the risk of spread of the dengue 3 epidemic in the health district of Cocody (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire). Int J Mosq Res 2018;5(5):19-24.