S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Preferential breeding habitats of sibling species complexes of Anopheles fluviatilis in east-central India Sauvik Dasgupta, Smrutidhara Dash, Thankachy Sonia, Ashokkumar Mathivanan and Dr. Sudhansu Sekhar Sahu Pages: 91-95 | 2489 Views 327 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Larval habitats of anopheline vectors of malaria on the highlands of Mambilla Plateau Taraba State North East Nigeria Garba LC, Oyieke FA, Owino EA, Mwansat GS, Houmsou RS, Chintem DGW and Wama BE Pages: 96-100 | 2055 Views 282 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
3 | Prevalence of dengue vectors in Bengaluru city, India: An entomological analysis A Daniel Reegan, K Ravi Kumar and L Devanand Pages: 101-105 | 2450 Views 670 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | Susceptibility pattern of Anopheles mosquito to different classes of insecticides in selected communities in Ila-Orangun, Southwest Nigeria Isaac Olayinka Oyewole, Mustapha, Abdur-Rahman Kolawole, Oluwakemi Christianah Adedeji, Dapo Adeogun and Sam Awolola Pages: 106-111 | 2396 Views 411 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
5 | Laboratory evaluation of the Ile1, 016 mutation-effect on several life-history parameters of Aedes aegypti Julian E Garcia-Rejon, Julio A Chan-Orilla, Nohemi Cigarroa-Toledo, Wilberth A Chi-Chim, Oswaldo M Torres-Chable, Guadalupe A Cruz-Escalona, Carlos Machain-Williams, Jorge Mendez-Galvan, Julio C Tzuc-Dzul and Carlos M Baak-Baak Pages: 112-120 | 2018 Views 233 Downloads | Country: Mexico | Mexico |
6 | Laboratory evaluation of two organophosphate and one pyrethroid insecticide against the Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquito larvae MD Mahfuzur Rahman and Mohammad Tofazzal Hossain Howlader Pages: 121-124 | 2115 Views 271 Downloads | Country: Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
7 | Molecular surveillance of dengue infections in Sabya governate of Jazan region, Southwestern Saudi Arabia Mohammed M, Abakar AD, Bakri YM Nour and Dafalla OM Pages: 125-132 | 1971 Views 285 Downloads | Country: Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia |
8 | The general inclination and global fund effects upon malaria incidence in Bashagard County, Iran Seyed Aghil Jaberhashemi, Mousa Khosravani, Seyed Mohsen Mohebbi Nodez and Azam Rafatpanah Pages: 133-137 | 2015 Views 201 Downloads | Country: Iran | Iran |
9 | Efficiency of three light traps for sampling Mosquitoes in the western regions of Saudi Arabia Mohamed A Kenawy, Hamdy A Al Ashry, Mostafa I Hassan and Mohammed Shobrak Pages: 138-142 | 1943 Views 283 Downloads | Country: Egypt | Egypt |
10 | Imported malaria and epidemiologic components of this infection in Qeshm Island, Iran Seyed Mohsen Mohebbi Nodez, Mousa Khosravani, Azam Rafatpanah, Somaiyeh Jafarpour and Seyed Aghil Jaberhashemi Pages: 143-149 | 1974 Views 235 Downloads | Country: Iran | Iran |