Abstract: Aim: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the involvement of cardiovascular system in severe malaria.
Methods: This prospective study was conducted on patients of severe malaria who were admitted in the hospital. Informed consent was taken from patient or patient’s relatives. In total, 200 cases of severe malaria (P. falciparum 120; P. Vivax 60; and mixed 20) diagnosed by peripheral blood smear examination, rapid card test and PCR were studied. Evaluation of cardiovascular system was done by clinical examination, chest X- ray and ECG.
Results: The severe manifestations of malaria included severe anaemia (Hb <5 g%) in 26% of patients, hepatitis in 25% of patients, respiratory distress in 20% of patients, cerebral malaria in 24% of patients, hypoglycemia in 2% of patients, acute renal failure in 10% of patients, abnormal bleeding in 16% of patients, circulatory failure in 10% of patients, pulmonary edema in 2% of patients, and hemoglobinuria in 4% of patients. Among the 200 instances of severe malaria, 35 individuals had cardiovascular symptoms, 20 experienced circulatory failure, 15 had congestive heart failure, and 5 had pulmonary edema. Cardiovascular involvement was more prevalent in cases of P. falciparum malaria compared to P. Vivax or mixed malaria. While some echocardiographic measures were within the normal range, there was a notable difference between individuals with and without cardiovascular involvement.
Conclusion: Our work determines that severe malaria exhibits cardiovascular system engagement, as seen by alterations in ECG and cardiac markers, suggesting myocardial participation. This association is linked to heightened morbidity and fatality rates.