Ayurvedic approach towards the management of malaria
Author(s): Dr. Antony Stephen Raj, Dr. Faiz Mohammed, Dr. Govardhan Sahani, Dr. Arun Prakash and Dr. Mydeen Sadik
Malaria stands as a highly transmissible and potentially life-threatening illness caused by the Plasmodium parasite group. These parasites infiltrate red blood cells, instigating symptoms like fever, chills, sweating and severe discomfort. Transmission occurs through the bites of female Anopheles mosquitoes carrying the Plasmodium parasite. Despite notable medical advancements, malaria persists as a leading global cause of mortality, particularly in Asia. Timely diagnosis and immediate treatment are pivotal in averting severe complications and preserving lives. Within the realm of Ayurveda, an ancient medicinal system, numerous medications, hold efficacy in treating malaria fever. These medications assist in mitigating malarial symptoms and halting the progression of the disease to critical stages. The World Health Organization (WHO) has initiated various malaria control initiatives centered on reinforcing primary healthcare facilities, ensuring timely diagnosis and treatment and local disease prevention. These initiatives have significantly decreased malaria prevalence in numerous regions globally. This research aims to furnish an extensive overview of Ayurvedic drugs employed in managing malaria and its associated complexities. Through an assessment of these drugs effectiveness, the study endeavours to contribute to the advancement of novel and enhanced malaria treatments.
Dr. Antony Stephen Raj, Dr. Faiz Mohammed, Dr. Govardhan Sahani, Dr. Arun Prakash, Dr. Mydeen Sadik. Ayurvedic approach towards the management of malaria. Int J Mosq Res 2023;10(6):138-142. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/23487941.2023.v10.i6b.729