Extraction & characterization of essential oils having mosquitoe repellent activity
Author(s): Preeti Mishra, A Elphine Prabahar, Anurag Verma and Amit Kumar Verma
Since they spread diseases including yellow fever, Dengue fever, filariasis, malaria, and others, mosquitoes rank high on the medical community's list of major disease vectors. The best approach to avoid these diseases at the moment is to reduce mosquito vectors and to take personal precautions against mosquito bites. People often use synthetic repellents like DEET, IR3535, and Picaridin to avoid mosquito bites. Many people are worried about the effects of synthetic repellents on the environment and human health. For this reason, we are paying close attention to essential oils (EOs) as a natural substitute. Naturally occurring repellents that are particularly effective against mosquitoes. The current research aims to extracts and characterized different essential oil having potential to repel the mosquito.
Preeti Mishra, A Elphine Prabahar, Anurag Verma, Amit Kumar Verma. Extraction & characterization of essential oils having mosquitoe repellent activity. Int J Mosq Res 2023;10(6):134-137. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/23487941.2023.v10.i6b.728