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International Journal of Mosquito Research
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Vol. 10, Issue 4, Part A (2023)

Natural mosquito control: Vitex negundo and Argemone mexicana as larvicidal agents against Anopheles subpictus

Author(s): R Maheshwari, M Madhavi, L Mahesh and L Mayookha
Abstract: Mosquitoes are notorious vectors of severe diseases, posing significant threats to human health. Although pesticides are commonly used for mosquito control, their indiscriminate application can harm the environment and non-target organisms. Consequently, alternative strategies, such as plant-based mosquitocides, are gaining interest. This study evaluated the larvicidal efficacy of methanolic leaf extracts from Vitex negundo and Argemone mexicana against the fourth instar larvae of Anopheles subpictus. The extracts were analyzed for phytochemical compositions. Larvicidal bioassay showed concentration-dependent activity of both extracts against An. subpictus. V. negundo extract exhibited 86.36% mortality at 400 ppm, while A. mexicana extract showed 83.33% mortality at the same concentration. Probit analysis determined LC50 and LC90 values for V. negundo as 217.06 ppm and 404.32 ppm, respectively, and for A. mexicana as 224.45 ppm and 420.34 ppm, respectively. These findings suggest the potential of V. negundo and A. mexicana as natural larvicidal agents against An. subpictus.
Pages: 15-19  |  572 Views  275 Downloads

International Journal of Mosquito Research
How to cite this article:
R Maheshwari, M Madhavi, L Mahesh, L Mayookha. Natural mosquito control: Vitex negundo and Argemone mexicana as larvicidal agents against Anopheles subpictus. Int J Mosq Res 2023;10(4):15-19. DOI:
International Journal of Mosquito Research

International Journal of Mosquito Research

International Journal of Mosquito Research
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