S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Larvicidal efficacy of Vangueria spinosa Roxb. (Rubiaceae) leaf extracts against filarial vector Culex quinquefasciatus Manas Paramanik, Soroj Kumar Chatterjee and Goutam Chandra Pages: 01-06 | 803 Views 311 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Therapeutic activity of medicinal plants and their derivatives in controlling mosquito vector-borne diseases in north-east India Arunima Choudhury and Innifa Hasan Pages: 07-14 | 785 Views 300 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | The Bio-efficacy of Inesfly vesta 50 (Transfluthrin 0.5% w/w) insecticidal paint: An alternative vector control intervention against Anoheples gambiae mosquitoes under laboratory condition, Keffi, Nigeria Yako AB, Hassan SC, Olayinka MD and Igboanugo SI Pages: 21-28 | 842 Views 361 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
4 | Vector-borne diseases: Prevalence, impacts, and strategies to address disease burden and threats Piyali Dey, Danswrang Goyary, Santa Mandal, Biplab Kumar Dey and Anurag Verma Pages: 29-38 | 1385 Views 727 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Evolutionary outlook on the impending endgame of malaria Nisha Rathod, Meghana Hanagodu and Dr. Ganesh Dharma Patil Pages: 39-45 | 890 Views 230 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | Seasonal changes in the habitat characteristics on survivability and adult emergence of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) from rural and urban environments of northern Kerala, India Jiji PV and Harilal CC Pages: 46-55 | 617 Views 210 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Susceptibility status of Cx. vishnui subgroup of mosquitoes against different Insecticides and detection of novel mutations in esterase beta gene in Cx. tritaeniorhynchus Biplob Sarmah, Dr. Siraj Ahmed Khan, Dr. Prafulla Dutta and Kamakhya Borah Pages: 56-61 | 646 Views 259 Downloads | Country: India | India |