Abstract: In some ecological regions, plants are displaying their diversity and presence dependent on climatic conditions, as well as being influenced by their parental genes. Several biotic and abiotic elements work together to control all aspects of plant life. The presence of plants in a particular area is recorded according to how well they have adapted to changing climatic conditions. The variety of the plants in terms of habit, habitat, adaptation, etc., is sufficient. The plants' various modes of proliferation are also varied. Many plants are multiplied through vegetative means, and some are effective multipliers through both vegetative and reproductive means. The plant also makes enough seeds to continue existing in nature. It has been discovered that the plant can be used both medicinally and for other reasons.
Mosquitoes cause a variety of diseases, including encephalitis, dengue fever, chikungunya fever, filariasis, and malaria. The continued use of synthetic pesticides serves as justification for increased vector species resistance. Human health is impacted by the bioaccumulation of toxic substances through the food chain. Active chemical substances obtained from plants have been utilized as a means of mosquito population control since ancient times. These are available at affordable prices, provide broad-spectrum target-specific activities against a variety of mosquito species, and are biodegradable by nature. Based on the availability of phytochemicals in various plant species that are possible sources for mosquitocidal action, the current review study focuses on Plant Diversity Effective for Controlling Mosquito Populations. 52 plant species were examined in the current study for potential use in reducing mosquito populations. There were 25 different families of plants that were observed. Habitat-wise, 12 kinds of trees, 34 types of herbs, and 6 types of shrubs were noted in wild plants.