Species composition and habitat characterization of mosquito fauna in Kota and Barmer region of Rajasthan
Author(s): Surabhi Chittora, Smriti Johari and Gaurav Sharma
Abstract: The present investigation conducted to determine the diversity of mosquito fauna in two ecologically different regions of Rajasthan i.e., Kota and Barmer. Kota is in the south-eastern region of Rajasthan while Barmer is situated in the western part of Rajasthan. The study was carried out over a period of one year. The adult mosquito was collected by using aspirator, BG -Sentinal trap and the larval stages were collected using ladle and dipping method. Total 1258 species were reported in the Barmer region while 1450 species were reported from the Kota region. The most prevalent species in the Kota and Barmer regions was Culex quinquefasciatus.
Surabhi Chittora, Smriti Johari, Gaurav Sharma. Species composition and habitat characterization of mosquito fauna in Kota and Barmer region of Rajasthan. Int J Mosq Res 2022;9(5):57-60. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/23487941.2022.v9.i5a.633