Entomological indicator and susceptibility status of Aedes aegypti (L.) to temephos in dengue-endemic regencies/cities in West Sumatera
Author(s): Resti Rahayu, Hasmiwati, Risa Ukhti Muslima, Ranti Devita, Yanti Putri Yani, Defrian Melta and Gusti Fatimah
Abstract: Dengue is a vector-borne disease that has rapidly spread in many countries. Controlling dengue vectors can be assisted by knowing the data of entomological indicators and monitoring the status of susceptibility to frequently used insecticides. This study aims to determine the risk of dengue transmission, House Index, Container Index, Breteau Index, and susceptibility status to temephos 0.012 mg/L in five dengue-endemic regency/cities in West Sumatra Province. This study was conducted at six research locations. The Density Figure value showed that five locations have a medium risk of transmission and one location has a high risk of transmission. The results of the susceptibility test with temephos showed that the larval population of Ae. aegypti is still susceptible in KDP Karakah, tolerant in Salido Pesisir, and has been resistant in Gu Pangilun, P. Punjung, Campago Ipuh, and Pasir Pariaman. There is no correlation between resistance status and the risk of dengue spreading.
How to cite this article:
Resti Rahayu, Hasmiwati, Risa Ukhti Muslima, Ranti Devita, Yanti Putri Yani, Defrian Melta, Gusti Fatimah. Entomological indicator and susceptibility status of Aedes aegypti (L.) to temephos in dengue-endemic regencies/cities in West Sumatera. Int J Mosq Res 2021;8(5):07-10.