Abstract: Background: Mosquito-borne diseases are a rising concern. There are six mosquito-borne diseases in Maharashtra, the Indian state, which include Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Japanese Encephalitis, West Nile Virus, and Lymphatic Filariasis. The status and trends of the five malaria, dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever and Zika diseases was reviewed in this study. The world's mosquito species and India's mosquito species were studied. The goal of this review is to identify awareness, seriousness and to find burden of mosquito-borne diseases in Maharashtra from 2016 to 2020.
Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted in Maharashtra's urban cities.We carried out a survey using a questionnaire to assess the real burden of mosquito-borne diseases, and we also collected data to validate our findings from the National Vector Borne Diseases Control Program Directorate (NVBDCP) in Delhi.
Results: We have got the 38% respondent suffered from Malaria, 18% suffered from Dengue, 31% suffered from Chikungunya, 4.1% suffered from Yellow Fever. It was also found that 60% of respondent were not suffered from any mosquito-borne disease in Maharashtra, India. We found that 64% people need hospitalization to cure mosquito borne diseases.
Conclusion: To promote better awareness and to be conscious of mosquito-borne diseases, steps must be taken. The burden of malaria is higher than all other diseases transmitted by mosquitoes. Dengue patients are also found to be less than Chikungunya. There are records of death in Malaria and Dengue, but there are no recorded cases of death in Chikungunya.