Abstract: Aim: This study was done to determine the prevalence of malaria among gravid women attending antenatal clinics in Atani, Ogbaru Local Government Area, Anambra State.
Methodology: Venous blood sample were collected from 150 gravid women selected by random sampling techniques. Thick and thin film was prepared. Rapid diagnostic test was done among the study population.
Result: The prevalence of malaria in this study is 59.4%. Age group 28-31 was more (32.67%) while age group 16-19 was the least (3.33%). Age group 28-31 has the highest parasite density of + (25%) and while 16-19 has the least + (1%) while age group 24-27 has the highest parasite density of ++ (6%) and 16-19, 36-39 had the least of (0%) respectively.
Conclusion: The consequences of malaria in pregnancy are severe both on the mother and neonate; however, great efforts are highly needed to curb the occurrence of malaria infection.