Breeding substrates and diversity of aedes species in Periurban areas of Côte d’Ivoire
Author(s): Jean Michel Vianney Beugré, Geneviève Lydie Yao-Acapovi, Diakaridia Fofana, Koné Atioumounan Blaise, Konan Kouassi Lambert and Sevidzem Silas Lendzele
Abstract: As part of the arboviral disease vectors surveillance in Côte d'Ivoire, a longitudinal entomological prospection was undertaken in five stations. Mosquito larvae collections were carried out monthly from March 2018 to September 2019 in breeding sites and using the WHO-type oviposition trap. These larvae were reared till adult stage at the insectarium of the Institut National d’Hygiène Publique (INHP) in Abidjan. Adult mosquitoes were morphologically identified using standard keys. In total, 896 potential mosquito larval breeding substrates were identified. Aedes larvae were collected from 225 sites. The ideal breeding substrates for Aedes consisted of abandoned containers/objects (39.6%), natural breeding sites (31.6%), and storage containers (22.2%). It was noticed that used tires (5.3%) and other breeding substrates (1.3%) were poorly represented. There was a statistically significant difference (χ2 = 48.748; ddl = 16; P = 0.000) in the positive proportions of Aedes with breeding substrates. The ideal height for Aedes breeding is 1.5m. In terms of species diversity, 16 Aedes species were identified and the most frequent was Aedes aegypti (80.8%). From the Shannon index (H'), Aedes species are not very diversified (H' = 0.42 in the south, H' = 1.08 in the west, H' = 0.38 in the north-west, H' = 0.69 in the north-east and H' = 1.09 in the center). The baseline data obatained from this study could instruct decision makers involved in antivectoral fight to better design and implement control measures against arboviruses vectors.
How to cite this article:
Jean Michel Vianney Beugré, Geneviève Lydie Yao-Acapovi, Diakaridia Fofana, Koné Atioumounan Blaise, Konan Kouassi Lambert, Sevidzem Silas Lendzele. Breeding substrates and diversity of aedes species in Periurban areas of Côte d’Ivoire. Int J Mosq Res 2020;7(4):39-44.