Vol. 7, Issue 3, Part A (2020)
Study on insecticide resistance and irritability of malaria vector, Anopheles dthali in Iran
Author(s): H Vatandoost, AA Hanafi-Bojd and F Nikpoor
Abstract: Material and Methods: insecticide susceptibility of Anopheles dthali mosquitoes in Iran was evaluated according to WHO guideline: susceptible when mortality was 98% or higher, possible resistant when mortality was between 97 and 90%, and resistant when the mortality was lower than 90%.
How to cite this article:
H Vatandoost, AA Hanafi-Bojd, F Nikpoor. Study on insecticide resistance and irritability of malaria vector, Anopheles dthali in Iran. Int J Mosq Res 2020;7(3):19-24.