An observation on breeding habitats of Aedes mosquitoes in Kozhikode district, Kerala
Author(s): Anju Viswan K, T Dileep Kumar, V Meenakshi and PK Srivastava
Abstract: Aedes mosquitoes, the major vectors of dengue, Chikungunya and Zika are known as container breeders employing both natural and artificial habitats. In the state of Kerala, both Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are responsible for dengue transmission. The study was undertaken to assess the major breeding sources in different topographical areas of Kozhikode District and also to find out uncommon breeding sources due to change in socioeconomic development. The larval surveys were done in domestic and peridomestic areas randomly in the three topographical regions of Kozhikode District. In the sandy coastal belts, the major sources of breeding were abandoned boats, ice-trays, fish-trays, and tarpaulin sheets used to cover the nets. In the hilly portions of the Western Ghats where the rubber plantation is plenty, the major sources were rubber tapping coconut shells or plastic vessels, dried leaves of trees and barrels used as water containers. In the lateritic midland, the larvae were collected from numerous sources like coconut shells, unused utensils, stone grinders, unused tyres, tarpaulin sheets, dried leaves, plastic covers, plant pots etc. Prevention of creating mosquitogenic potential may be more crucial than vector control though it is an important tool for dengue control. The mind set of community need to be changed through appropriate and effective IEC/BCC activities as proactive measures rather than being reactive.
How to cite this article:
Anju Viswan K, T Dileep Kumar, V Meenakshi, PK Srivastava. An observation on breeding habitats of Aedes mosquitoes in Kozhikode district, Kerala. Int J Mosq Res 2020;7(2):57-60.