Presence, characterization and productivity profiles of aedes mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), in Barentu, Gash Barka Zone, Eritrea
Author(s): Mensur YS Nebinur, Nabil HH Bashir and Mustafa YH Dukeen
Abstract: In Eritrea epidemics of dengue fever (DF) appeared in different places with different temperatures and altitudes. Studies on Aedes spp. mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) composition, distribution and their habitats are lacking. A cross sectional survey was conducted in Barentu town, Gash Barka Zone (GBZ), during the period Dec. 2017-May 2018, to investigate the existence, characterization and productivity profiles of Aedes mosquito using the standard WHO techniques. A total of 413 households (HHs) from three villages, viz. Selam, Fithi and Biyara, in Barentu, were selected. All water-holding containers in and around the HHs were inspected for Aedes larva and pupa. Adults were also collected from indoor and outdoor resting sites. Adults and larvae were morphologically identified to their species level. The collections were made from a total of 2,057 water containers inspected from the three villages. Of these, 668 (32%) containers were found to be positive. A total of 59,368 larvae and 5,085 pupae were collected from 11 types of containers. The most important habitat types/containers were barrels, cement water basins, water storage tanks, water clay-pots and others; all these account for >90% of the larvae and the pupae collected. The house, container, Breteau and pupal/demographic indices were calculated. These larval indices, adult biting index (ABI) or human landing rate (HLR) were high. The vector identification results revealed that Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) is the only Aedes species found in the area. The larval habitats were abundant both outdoor and indoor. The actual resting places were also found both indoor and outdoor. It is concluded that the area is at risk for DF. Some recommendation were suggested.
Fig.: Percent larval productivity profile by different outdoor container types.
How to cite this article:
Mensur YS Nebinur, Nabil HH Bashir, Mustafa YH Dukeen. Presence, characterization and productivity profiles of aedes mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), in Barentu, Gash Barka Zone, Eritrea. Int J Mosq Res 2019;6(5):10-19.