Sustainable control of mosquito by larval predating Micronecta polhemus Niser for the prevention of mosquito breeding in water retaining structures
Fig. 1: Micronectidae habitat in evaporation tank
Fig. 2: Predation potential of Micronectidae
(30, 50, and 100) and larvae (50)
Fig. 3: Growth pattern of 64 Micronectidae
in laboratory aquarium
Fig. 4: Biological features of Micronectidae (a: Front side; b: Back side; c: Nymph)
Fig. 5: Micronecta sp. as secondary consumer (a: Feeding on algae; b: Feeding on mosquito larvae)
Fig. 6: The average of light intensity of Micronectidae habitat at 12-h photoperiod for 3 days
Fig. 7: The humidity level of air at Micronectidae habitat from 7 pm to 5 am
Fig. 8: The growth pattern of 30, 50 and 100-Micronectidae under field environment
Fig. 9: The growth pattern of 64-Micronectidae in lab environment
Fig. 10: Number of
Micronecta sp. survived under stress condition (a: Low DO; b: High BOD)
Fig. 11: Total numbers of mosquito larvae consumed by Micronectidae populations over 72-h period