Field evaluation of Chilodonella uncinata formulation against Aedes aegypti in desert coolers and cemented tanks in Delhi
Author(s): Bina Pani Das and Naveen Rai Tuli
Abstract: Infusion bag formulation of Chilodonella uncinata, a naturally occurring facultative protozoan parasite of Culex tritaeniorhynchus larvae that gets into the host body by piercing through host cuticle was evaluated for its residual efficacy to control Aedes aegypti breeding under field condition in a slum and a posh locality of Delhi during June to October 2018. The formulation (Ch. uncinata as a.i 3.5x 104 cells/ml) with a shelf life>18 months, available in easy to treat sealed pack was applied manually at doses 40.0, 60.0 and 80.0g in selected study sites. The impact was assessed by monitoring presence/absence of larvae by a dipper. In the present study, single application @ 80.0g in both coolers and cemented tanks in posh area resulted in 100% control of Ae aegypti breeding for 8-9.5 weeks. In slum area, limited study over a period of 3 weeks @ 80.0g in a cooler impacted 100% control of mosquito breeding. This formulation may be tested in large-scale field trials for further use in vector control programme.
Fig.: Residual efficacy
Ae. Aegypti breeding) of
Chilodonella uncinata formulation under field condition. * Study ended as climate cooled down due to peak rainy season and the owner emptied his cooler and preferred to run his cooler without water
How to cite this article:
Bina Pani Das, Naveen Rai Tuli. Field evaluation of Chilodonella uncinata formulation against Aedes aegypti in desert coolers and cemented tanks in Delhi. Int J Mosq Res 2019;6(2):39-45.