Modelling of malaria hotspot sites using geospatial technology in the north-western highlands of Ethiopia
Fig. 1: Location of Fogera District
Fig. 2: Environmental factors that greatly influence malaria incidence and prevalence in the study. a) Reclassified elevation.
Fig. 3: Environmental factors that greatly influence malaria incidence and prevalence in the study. b) Reclassified slope.
Fig. 4: Environmental factors that greatly influence malaria incidence and prevalence in the study. c) Reclassified soil.
Fig. 5: Environmental factors that greatly influence malaria incidence and prevalence in the study. d) Reclassified distance from breeding sites
Fig. 6: Socio-economic factors that affect malaria occurrence and distribution in the study. a) Reclassified population density.
Fig. 7: Socio-economic factors that affect malaria occurrence and distribution in the study. b) Reclassified distance from health facilities.
Fig. 8: Socio-economic factors that affect malaria occurrence and distribution in the study. c) Reclassified land uses
Fig. 9: Malaria Hazard Layer developed in Arc GIS software
Fig. 10: Malaria hazard areas mapped using weighted overlay Model in Arc GIS
Fig. 11: Malaria Risk layer developed in Arc GIS software
Fig. 12: Malaria Risk Areasidentified using Weighted overlay Model in Arc GIS