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International Journal of Mosquito Research
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Vol. 5, Issue 3, Part A (2018)

Assessment of dengue mosquito breeding sources at Pulicat, Tamil Nadu, India

Map from the region of Pulicat lake showing the distribution of main streets in Pulicat (left side of Pulicat bridge) and Vairavan Kuppam (right side of Pulicat bridge) © Google Maps, 2016
Fig. 1: Map from the region of Pulicat lake showing the distribution of main streets in Pulicat (left side of Pulicat bridge) and Vairavan Kuppam (right side of Pulicat bridge) © Google Maps, 2016
Satellite view of Pulicat. Image shows distribution of water masses, households and forest in Pulicat and Vairavan Kuppam © Google Maps, 2015
Fig. 2: Satellite view of Pulicat. Image shows distribution of water masses, households and forest in Pulicat and Vairavan Kuppam © Google Maps, 2015
Number of larvae and/or pupae present, absent and inaccessible in containers in the 69 surveyed households. Each container type shows the result of indoors (I) and outdoors (O) survey. Container type: CC<strong>-</strong> cement cistern; CS<strong>-</strong> coconut shell; DC<strong>-</strong> discarded container; FP<strong>-</strong> flower pot; GS<strong>-</strong> grinding stone; MC<strong>-</strong> metal container; MD<strong>-</strong> metal drum; MP<strong>-</strong> mud pot; OHT<strong>-</strong> overhead tank; PC<strong>-</strong> plastic container; PD<strong>-</strong> plastic drum; TY<strong>-</strong> tyre; and WL<strong>-</strong>well
Fig. 3: Number of larvae and/or pupae present, absent and inaccessible in containers in the 69 surveyed households. Each container type shows the result of indoors (I) and outdoors (O) survey. Container type: CC- cement cistern; CS- coconut shell; DC- discarded container; FP- flower pot; GS- grinding stone; MC- metal container; MD- metal drum; MP- mud pot; OHT- overhead tank; PC- plastic container; PD- plastic drum; TY- tyre; and WL-well
Number of larvae and/or pupae present, absent and inaccessible in containers in the 69 surveyed households. Each container type shows the combined result of indoors and outdoors survey. Container type: CC<strong>-</strong> cement cistern; CS<strong>-</strong> coconut shell; DC<strong>-</strong> discarded container; FP<strong>-</strong> flower pot; GS<strong>-</strong> grinding stone; MC<strong>-</strong> metal container; MD<strong>-</strong> metal drum; MP<strong>-</strong> mud pot; OHT<strong>-</strong> overhead tank; PC<strong>-</strong> plastic container; PD<strong>-</strong> plastic drum; TY<strong>-</strong> tyre; and WL<strong>-</strong>well
Fig. 4: Number of larvae and/or pupae present, absent and inaccessible in containers in the 69 surveyed households. Each container type shows the combined result of indoors and outdoors survey. Container type: CC- cement cistern; CS- coconut shell; DC- discarded container; FP- flower pot; GS- grinding stone; MC- metal container; MD- metal drum; MP- mud pot; OHT- overhead tank; PC- plastic container; PD- plastic drum; TY- tyre; and WL-well
Number of containers in which larvae and/or pupae were present, and number of containers in which breeding was not found (results for the total 69 surveyed households). Container type: CC<strong>-</strong> cement cistern; CS<strong>-</strong> coconut shell; DC<strong>-</strong> discarded container; FP<strong>-</strong> flower pot; GS<strong>-</strong> grinding stone; MC<strong>-</strong> metal container; MD<strong>-</strong> metal drum; MP<strong>-</strong> mud pot; OHT<strong>-</strong> overhead tank; PC<strong>-</strong> plastic container; PD<strong>-</strong> plastic drum; TY<strong>-</strong> tyre; and WL<strong>-</strong>well
Fig. 5: Number of containers in which larvae and/or pupae were present, and number of containers in which breeding was not found (results for the total 69 surveyed households). Container type: CC- cement cistern; CS- coconut shell; DC- discarded container; FP- flower pot; GS- grinding stone; MC- metal container; MD- metal drum; MP- mud pot; OHT- overhead tank; PC- plastic container; PD- plastic drum; TY- tyre; and WL-well
Number of containers showing presence of larvae and/or pupae. Comparison between breeding indoors and outdoors. Container type: CC<strong>-</strong> cement cistern; CS<strong>-</strong> coconut shell; DC<strong>-</strong> discarded container; FP<strong>-</strong> flower pot; GS<strong>-</strong> grinding stone; MC<strong>-</strong> metal container; MD<strong>-</strong> metal drum; MP<strong>-</strong> mud pot; OHT<strong>-</strong> overhead tank; PC<strong>-</strong> plastic container; PD<strong>-</strong> plastic drum; TY<strong>-</strong> tyre; and WL<strong>-</strong>well
Fig. 6: Number of containers showing presence of larvae and/or pupae. Comparison between breeding indoors and outdoors. Container type: CC- cement cistern; CS- coconut shell; DC- discarded container; FP- flower pot; GS- grinding stone; MC- metal container; MD- metal drum; MP- mud pot; OHT- overhead tank; PC- plastic container; PD- plastic drum; TY- tyre; and WL-well
Per cent distribution of breeding in observed water containers, with distinction between indoors and outdoors (total positive = 18.7%). Values correspond to the total number of containers with larval/pupal presence in the 69 households
Fig. 7: Per cent distribution of breeding in observed water containers, with distinction between indoors and outdoors (total positive = 18.7%). Values correspond to the total number of containers with larval/pupal presence in the 69 households
Species and sex composition of sampled adult mosquitoes in the study area
Fig. 8: Species and sex composition of sampled adult mosquitoes in the study area
International Journal of Mosquito Research

International Journal of Mosquito Research

International Journal of Mosquito Research
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