Systematic and Biotypical study of the family Culicidae (Diptera-Nematocera) in the region of Tebessa (Algeria)
Author(s): Houda Hamaidia and Sélima Berchi
Abstract: The study on the biodiversity of the culicidian fauna that in Tebessa (north-eastern Algeria) was conducted from July 2009 to April 2011 allowed us identifying 17 species of Culicidae belonging to two subfamilies Anophelinae and Culicinae with five genera (Culex, Culiseta, Aedes, Uranotaenia and Anopheles). The statistical study of the Culicidae population revealed that the species Culiseta longiareolata was the most abundant followed by the Culex pipiens species. The study of specific diversity indicated a poorly diversified and moderately balanced population. Through the distribution analysis of the Culicidian species according to the altitude by the PCA on one side and the study of the distribution of Culicidian species according to the type of the deposit on the other side. We found that most of the culicidian fauna tend to live in less than 800 meters high places and prefer colonizing the permanent rural biotopes rich in vegetation.
Fig.: Distribution of the culicidian species according to the type of deposit.
How to cite this article:
Houda Hamaidia, Sélima Berchi. Systematic and Biotypical study of the family Culicidae (Diptera-Nematocera) in the region of Tebessa (Algeria). Int J Mosq Res 2018;5(2):39-46.