Isolation and molecular characterization of Gram positive entomopathogenic bacteria against the major malaria vector Anopheles gambiae in Uganda
Fig. 1: Map of the Uganda (Left) and Geo-referenced sampling sites: Kalangala Island, Wakiso (Botanical and Zika forest) and Mityana mainland.
Fig. 2: Impression of forest covers of Mityana and Kalangala forestation sampling sites
Fig. 3: Grams Micrograph, Observe the Para central endospores (E), Bacilli (R) & free spores (S)
Fig. 4: Bacterial isolates electrophoretic micrograph of the 16s rRNA 1,500bp products
Fig. 5: Phylogenetic tree showing the relationships of the sequences of the bacterial isolates and their blast-searched similarities. The MR-xx on the branch end represents the laboratory identification of the isolate, while to the right of the square bracket is indicated the related organism blasted in gene bank.