Systematics of Anopheles and Armigerus (Culicidae: Diptera) mosquitoes in the Pothwar Region, Punjab, Pakistan
Author(s): Arif Mehmood, Muhammad Naeem, Imran Bodlah, and Ata-ul-Mohsin
Abstract: Mosquitoes are widely distributed in tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world. In Pakistan they are found in almost all the parts but their fauna is unexplored in many areas of the country. In this study, the Anopheles and Armigerus mosquitoes of Pothwar region has been explored. Different sampling points were made in the study area which covered breeding places of mosquitoes including houses, park, graveyard, scrape yard, animal shed, standing water and forest area. Study was conducted from 2014-16. A total of eight mosquito species: six from Anophlese and two belonging to Armigerus were recorded from Pothwar Region, Punjab, Pakistan of which Armigerus kuchingensis Edwards, 1915 is recorded for the first time from Pakistan. Main identification characters supported with micrographs and GPS positions of all recorded species have been provided. Field samples were preserved in the Biosystematics Laboratory, Department of Entomology, Pir Mehr Ali Shah- Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi (PMAS-AAUR).
Fig.: Claws of the middle leg are of same size (
Armigeres kuchingensis)
How to cite this article:
Arif Mehmood, Muhammad Naeem, Imran Bodlah,, Ata-ul-Mohsin. Systematics of Anopheles and Armigerus (Culicidae: Diptera) mosquitoes in the Pothwar Region, Punjab, Pakistan. Int J Mosq Res 2016;3(5):05-10.