S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Response on growth regulatory activity of three indigenous plant extracts against dengue vector Aedes albopictus (Skuse) Rahana VK, Anju Viswan K and Pushpalatha E Pages: 01-05 | 2433 Views 215 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Repellent and feeding deterrent activity of a natural formulation from plant extracts on rabbit and human skin against Aedes aegypti Koech Peter Kiplang’at Pages: 06-10 | 2604 Views 313 Downloads | Country: Kenya | Kenya |
3 | Assessing the larval niche of Culex pipiens in Chile Daniela P Figueroa, Sergio Scott, Christian R. Gonzalez, Claudio Veloso and Mauricio Canals Pages: 11-16 | 2463 Views 240 Downloads | Country: Chile | Chile |
4 | Novel techniques for cost-effective production of Bacillus thuringiensis Subsp. israelensis C Gopinathan, Arindam Chaudhury and AT Vivek Pages: 17-29 | 2784 Views 430 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Biting times of Plasmodium falciparum infected mosquitoes and transmission intensities following five years of insecticide-Treated bed nets use in Kamuli District, Uganda: Implications for malaria control Fredrick Kabbale, Anne Akol, John Kaddu, Enock Matovu and Ambrose Onapa Pages: 30-38 | 2539 Views 242 Downloads | Country: Uganda | Uganda |
6 | An outbreak investigation of dengue fever in the coastal areas of Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur and Thanjavur districts in Tamil Nadu, India during 2012 G Praveen, BK Tyagi, Nirmal Joe and Manisha Bias Thakur Pages: 39-47 | 2725 Views 371 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Mixture of olive oil and Aloe vera gel: A natural mosquito repellent and a skin moisturizer Shehzad Zareen, Shahid Niaz Khan, Muhammad Adnan, Hameed Ur Rehman, Muhammad Ateeq, Kausar Saeed, Waqar Ahmad, Munsif Ali Khan, Feroz Khan and Raqeebullah Pages: 48-49 | 7276 Views 2578 Downloads | Country: Pakistan | Pakistan |
8 | Influence of skin color in dengue and malaria: A case control study Sridhar Amalakanti, Gandhi Venkata Viswanadh Manchu, Trivikrama Rao Mopidevi and BalaKasi Naik Bukke Pages: 50-52 | 2814 Views 574 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Effect of environmental attributes and mosquito larvae on growth parameter of larvicidal fish, Rasbora daniconius Lavkush Kumar Brahman and Ramesh Chandra Pages: 53-57 | 2582 Views 347 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | An inventory of the authentically identified and classified mosquito taxa in the ‘CRME Museum’, with annotations on its significance in taxonomic research in India BK Tyagi, A Muinirathinam and A Venkatesh | India |