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International Journal of Mosquito Research
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Vol. 2, Issue 3, Part B (2015)

Comparison of Ae. aegypti breeding in localities of different socio-economic groups of Delhi, India

Author(s): Kumar Vikram, B N Nagpal, Veena Pande, Aruna Srivastava, Sanjeev K Gupta, Anushrita, V P Singh, Himmat Singh, Rekha Saxena, N R Tuli, N K Yadav, Richard Paul, Neena Valecha, Olivier Telle
Abstract: An entomological survey was carried out in different socio-economic groups of selected localities in Delhi during June, 2013 to May, 2014 with a view to study the prevalence and distribution of Aedes aegypti mosquito for appropriate interventions. A door-to-door entomological survey was carried out to find out the Aedes breeding in all types of water filled containers present in and around houses and their premises and immature stages of Aedes mosquitoes were collected. In larval survey, different indices were used to record Aedes aegypti density level. In all the localities surveyed during transmission season, solid waste was observed to be most preferred breeding site whereas overhead tanks (OHTs) and curing tanks were found to be the most preferred breeding containers during non-transmission season. Plastic containers (29%) in low income group (LIG); solid waste (27%) and plastic containers (26%) in Medium Income Group (MIG); and solid waste (27%) and curing tanks (21%) in High Income Group (HIG) were the most preferred breeding containers for the breeding of Aedes aegypti. The house index was higher in the months of August and September in LIG, June- July in MIG and June in HIG households. The BI in MIG households was below critical level (i.e. 20) while it was observed to be higher in HIG & LIG households during the month of September i.e 22.45 & 25.22 respectively. The CI was observed to be higher in all the three types of colonies which were 8.35, 7.5 & 13.49 in HIG, MIG & LIG respectively, in the month of September. Containers found in Low income group (LIG) is contributing more to the Aedes aegypti breeding than MIG and HIG localities. The over head tanks and curing tanks are the preferred breeding sites in non transmission season whereas solid waste and plastic containers are amongst preferred breeding sites during transmission season. The study concluded that the targeted intervention including sustained vector surveillance could help in controlling the sudden upsurge of dengue in a densely populated city like Delhi.
Preferred breeding containers in High Income Localities
Fig.: Preferred breeding containers in High Income Localities
Pages: 83-88  |  2602 Views  433 Downloads

International Journal of Mosquito Research
How to cite this article:
Kumar Vikram, B N Nagpal, Veena Pande, Aruna Srivastava, Sanjeev K Gupta, Anushrita, V P Singh, Himmat Singh, Rekha Saxena, N R Tuli, N K Yadav, Richard Paul, Neena Valecha, Olivier Telle. Comparison of Ae. aegypti breeding in localities of different socio-economic groups of Delhi, India. Int J Mosq Res 2015;2(3):83-88.
International Journal of Mosquito Research

International Journal of Mosquito Research

International Journal of Mosquito Research
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