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International Journal of Mosquito Research
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Vol. 1, Issue 4, Part A (2014)

GIS based community survey and systematic grid sampling for dengue epidemic surveillance, control, and management: a case study of Pondicherry Municipality

Author(s): M. Palaniyandi, PH Anand and R. Maniyosai
Methods and Materials: The MapInfo 4.5 professional and the Arc View 3.2 GIS platform was used for applying the systematic 0.5 km X 0.5 km grid sampling procedure is applied for sampling, and the virtual GPS 12 XL is used to conduct rapid reconnaissance housing and the community survey for mapping the dengue vector mosquitoes breeding habitats positives with geo-coordinates of house locations and to assess the people’s perception against the dengue vector breeding habitats and the knowledge of protection measures against to the mosquitoes biting. Conclusion: GIS has been used to visualize and identify spatial heterogeneity of dengue vector density in the urban area as a whole. Dengue vector mosquito (Ae. aegypti) data is used to assess current risk areas (Fig. 2), spatial agreements of correlating immature mosquito counts with environmental and socioeconomic parameters. The result provided that socioeconomic and environmental condition in the study region, estimates for identifying the socioeconomic and environmental key variables associated with dengue and chikungunya epidemics, visualising the risk of epidemic and vulnerable areas, estimates the population at risk of exposure to the epidemic, prioritization of areas/wards / blocks for vector control and management, GIS based spatial solution for vector control and management and a protective measures against dengue vector biting, and to be calling attention to the importance of dengue transmission at work, schools and other public spaces. The spatial component of transmission could be isolated, after controlling for variables of interest, thus contributing to future studies that consider new hypotheses and variables in the analysis. Consequently, GIS may perhaps, assisting to dengue epidemic surveillance and controlling the epidemic situation in the urban areas as whole.
The density map of <em>Aedes</em> species mosquitoes breeding habitats (in %), based on the mean value of breeding habitats positives in the housing survey using GPS.
Fig.: The density map of Aedes species mosquitoes breeding habitats (in %), based on the mean value of breeding habitats positives in the housing survey using GPS.
Pages: 72-80  |  2395 Views  260 Downloads

International Journal of Mosquito Research
How to cite this article:
M. Palaniyandi, PH Anand, R. Maniyosai. GIS based community survey and systematic grid sampling for dengue epidemic surveillance, control, and management: a case study of Pondicherry Municipality. Int J Mosq Res 2014;1(4):72-80.
International Journal of Mosquito Research

International Journal of Mosquito Research

International Journal of Mosquito Research
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