A geo-spatial modeling for mapping of filariasis transmission risk in India, using remote sensing and GIS
Fig. 1: Filariasis endemics in India as on 2012.
Fig. 2: The estimated population at risk of filariasis infection in India
Fig. 3: A trend of Filariasis incidence in India
Fig. 4: The available filariasis data held by the National Filariasis Control Program (NFCP), and the filariasis survey have been conducted by the Individuals in India for the past 6 decades in different locations at different period of time intervals
Fig. 5: The climate zones of the collective of all geo-climatic variables contributing nearly 72.3% and are facilitate to the filariasis transmission risk in India
Fig. 6: The spatial relationship between the IRS WiFS data and the Filariasis Endemicity in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala states of South India, The Filariasis Endemicity level contour map is overlaid on land use / land cover map derived from satellite data.
Fig. 7: Filariasis Transmission Risk Zones in India, based on climate, landscape and the environmental variables.