"International Journal of Mosquito Research"

Vol-3, Issue-4

Assessing the larval niche of Culex pipiens in Chile

Authors: Daniela P Figueroa, Sergio Scott, Christian R. Gonzalez, Claudio Veloso and Mauricio Canals
Studies of Culicidae in Chile are fragmentary and incomplete hindering the implantation of control measures appropriate to prevent the eventual emergence of diseases such as West Nile fever. The environmental requirements of larvae of Culex pipiens L. in Chile have not been studied, although they are of great interest due to the high latitudinal environmental gradient and the variability of their climate. The aim of this contribution is to study the characteristics of the larval niche of C. pipiens in an environmental gradient in Chile and the variation of populations in urban environments.

Culex pipiens was found in biotopes of neutral and basic water; sweet and slightly salty and with an average temperature of 21.05 ºC. There appears to be greater plasticity in salinity, conductivity and dissolved solids. A relationship was found between the larval population and climate, with high larval densities in spring and summer. The first niche axis was associated negatively with conductivity, dissolved solids and salinity, revealing that this species prefers clean and sweet water. The second and third axes were positively associated with pH and temperature, respectively, revealing that it prefers slightly basic and warm water.

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